Mp3 Download song Rowwen Heze 't Keumt Allemoal Dor Ow FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Rowwen Heze song lyrics

Rowwen Heze - 't Keumt Allemoal Dor Ow Lyrics

flesh from my flesh
natural or unnatural guess?
even if they harm you
you can't die

you my flesh, you my blood
I see the truth
when you die I'll die
I saw through your eyes
I spoke with your tongue
I name you with my name
flesh from my flesh
natural or unnatural guess?
even if they harm you, you can't die

they can't harm you
they are only clouds
come with me in a higher sky
imagine your will and let it be

what is this that comes from you?
the way it comes it makes me tremble like you
without movement it creeps against us
how does it dare it can't kill us

I never studied with my mistakes
even when tired I'll do the same
why did I give you life?
why did I give you lif
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